
This video is of a talk Graham Ross gave (virtually of course) at the annual conference of the UK's Civil Mediation Council on the 11th November 2020. 

The main message was that ODR (Online Dispute Resolution)  has a lot more to offer in the way of  dispute resolution than simply using Zoom or other  web conferencing facilities. The latter, while useful when face to face mediation is not possible or appropriate , simply follow  the traditional forms of mediation and do not take advantage of intelligent software that aids mediators and negotiators  to achieve resolution.

In this talk Graham provides a detailed demonstration of the two leading e-negotiation tools, being :-

* Smartsettle ONE  -  visual blind bidding tool for disputes  to be resolved on a single numerical issue.

* Smartsettle Infinity - for more complex multiple issue/multiple party negotiations

The ONE demonstration starts at 6mns 35 seconds and Infinity at 21mns 44 seconds.

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